Alessandro Sgro
Alessandro Sgro was born (1992) and raised in the Eifel Region.
He grew up mindfully with various animals and always had a strong connection to nature and its inhabitants.
Hence his interest and talent in technique and mechanics Alessandro started a career as industrial mechanic.
When he got his first camera in 2018 everything changed. Alessandro was soon fascinated by the uniqueness and immense beauty that lies in photographing animals in their natural habitat. So after 10 years of work as an industrial mechanic, he left his old job to start over. He started to study sustainable development and nature conservation and followed his inner voice to pursue a career in wildlife photography.
Aside from wildlife and nature photography, Alessandro is active as a speaker and conservationist. Enthusiastic about his home town area he captures and documents different local wildlife and landscapes, trying to show locals how beautiful and diverse their hometown area is.
Besides that, he loves to spend time in more wild and remote areas in search for shy species like wolves, bears, lynx and other elusive animals.
Here Alessandro got the chance to work at the Lupus Institute for Wolf Monitoring and Science in the Lusatia area for 3 months where he gained a lot of knowledge and experience about wolves and their specific behaviour.
Currently, he is working on a freelance base in the monitoring of wolves and as a consultant for the Wolf Monitoring in his hometown region. He also supported the Lupus Institute multiple times as a freelancer together with his detection dog Romeo, that is trained to detect wolf scat. With approximately 200 encounters in the wild he was able to observe wolves in different countries in Europe.
Alessandro is really passionate about what he is doing and it is from immense importance to him to underline and highlight through the power of pictures and with help of his voice, how beautiful and important animals and nature for humanity are and to spread awareness on important topics like wildlife conservation and the protection of our flora and fauna, with the ultimate goal to reconnect humanity to the natural world.
That is the reason why he is seeing his way of photographing as a long- term project.